Unitek Learning Cares Annual Academic Conference

Expanding Equity: Building Momentum Through Caring Partnerships Each year Unitek Learning’s Academic Conference is a highly anticipated event. With keynote speakers and CEC opportunities, nursing & healthcare educators and providers gather to share their knowledge and learn from one another. This year’s conference featured keynote speakers Dr. Eric Mazur, the Balkanski Professor of Physics and […]

Watson Caring Science Symposium

Unitek Learning is a licensed Watson Caring Science Academic Affiliate. To learn more about the value of this educational philosophy and how it enhances the educational experience of Unitek students visit https://www.watsoncaringscience.org/.

Washington State Hospital Association Annual Member Meeting

Unitek Learning is a proud sponsor of the Washington State Hospital Association (WSHA). Join us in October in supporting this organization or take a look through all the upcoming WSHA events for 2023, including Hospital Advocacy Day and Embracing Workforce Trauma Recovery Virtual Workshop. For more information and to register, visit: https://www.wsha.org/event/wsha-annual-meeting-2/

Colorado Hospital Association Annual Meeting

Unitek Learning is a proud sponsor of the Colorado Hospital Association (CHA). Register for the annual meeting this October or take a look through all the upcoming CHA events for 2023 by visiting: https://cha.com/education/member-education-events/

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